Monday, June 22, 2009

Drink beer on mondays, support the Buena Vista Whitewater Park with Eddyline Brewery!!!

As many of you know, the town of Buena Vista has started its third phase of the BV River park improvements. This will include 3 incredible rock climbing boulders for public use, a new in stream whitewater feature, new trail signage, additional benches, and more trash receptacles. All work will be done this summer, fall and next winter. So by spring of 2010, our BV River Park will be the better than the best has to offer. If you have not noticed already, this park is getting a tremendous amount of use daily and is bringing and keeping a ton of folks in our town.

Funding for this project is a collaborative effort between the town of BV, local citizen support, and GOCO state lottery funding. We (the public) are committed to fund raise $7,000 this summer to assist in matching grants for the overall scope of the project. We started with Paddle Fest and the P and H Ball to get the funding rolling this spring. Now is the time to unite to raise the additional amounts so we all can enjoy this gigantic and incredible resource in town used by bikers, paddlers, climbers, fishermen, and sight seers’ alike.

How it works. Simple, come to the Eddyline Brewery every Monday from 6 pm to close. Any pints of beer purchased on Monday evenings will include a $1.00 donation to the BV River Park Fund. On top of that, we will show a new movie each Monday in the brewery free of charge at 8 pm. Movies will alternate based on the season. We will start with paddling, biking and climbing movies this summer, then transition into skiing, snowboarding and snowmobiling movies this winter. The goal here is to have fun, bring us all together as friends and family, drink a few beers together, and raise some money for one of the best resources our town has to offer.

So see you every Monday at the Eddyline. Please forward this to your friends who may have the same interest you do and thanks for your continued support.


Earl Richmond


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梁爵 said...

(錢不是萬能的,但沒有錢萬萬不能) 酒店兼差可以現領
高薪夢想專案:每週3天班以上【1節190元(時薪1140元)】 【1節200元(時薪1200)】
下午:3點班、4點班、5點班、6點班 (每個班次往後推7小時,就是妳的上班時間)
晚間:7點班、8點班、9點班 (每個班次往後推7小時,就是妳的上班時間)
不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因酒店公關酒店小姐酒店出場:酒店小姐 酒店公關要出場接S嗎?
【酒店小姐】【酒店公關】 (出場)台北市任何一家酒店,單純出場一定要出去。
註:有床的地方不能去 汽車旅館/飯店,包括私人辦公室!。不用擔心得罪客人,也不用怕被扣錢! 當下可立即離開~ 切記先保護自己。
酒店小姐出場接S 純屬個人行為。有些人想賺這個錢….但有些酒店小姐認為不需要!
但是不會有任何人去逼你 為難做自己不喜歡的事。
我梁曉尊舉個例子 女孩們會覺得更貼切 也比較淺顯易懂的邏輯 :
八大行業商品是(人),今天(妳)面前站3個人有~ 王陽明 康康 NONO
(妳)肯定會問 王陽明 可不可以出場接S ?!
至於王陽明是否同意 決定在於自己~。