Getting my game-face on
Louis in Super Slide
Tom Janney charging the high water.
From the South Merced I headed up to the South Yuba where less than agree able weather, and less than agree able dam keepers made for some desperate days of paddling. Nonetheless I got out to paddle in some miserable snowstorms as pictured above on the summit run (Will Pruett photo).
Fleeing from the weather I headed up to the South Branch of the Feather for some Disneyland waterfalls. Here's Tom Janney enjoying some airtime
Rolf Kelly wishing he was inner-tubing
The next several days remain undocumented because my camera was out of batteries but several high water cali-classics were enjoyed before the flows stopped cooperating. Three days later while hanging out in a bar Nevada City Drew Duvall mentioned that the erratic Chawanikee Gorge of the the San Joaquin was hanging on the high side of good at around 850 cfs. By two in the morning we were at the take out and after a few hours of sleep we set out to find the put in. I have never seen a flow graph as erratic as the Chawanikee. While we were in it the water spiked from about 900 to near 1500 and back down making for exciting but very enjoyable boating.
The Chawanikee Put in Jason Hale fighting some savage boils to get where he needs to be.
Anyway, that's all that I have time to put up now but check back for some shots of Kaweah, Kimshew, and more. Nate
Dude! That's so sick bra! I've never seen water that... wet. Rock on dude-bro-man, rock on.
Dude bro blog monkey, will you marry me?
Congratulations! Awesome runs, awesome waterfalls!
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