Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Upper Upper Cispus

Late August in the Pacific Northwest really means one thing for local paddlers... It's time to make the yearly trek to the Upper Upper Cispus. Most everything around has long since dried up and summer is coming to a close. Just as you find yourself looking ahead to the rains of November. Wham-o, the UUC drops in and we're all treated to a few weeks of summer time steep creeking.

The run itself mostly consists of class IV - V boulder gardens intermixed with some smaller slide and falls. This all changes and the bed rock begins to creep in as you approach the lower gorge. Approx 3 miles into the 5 mile run.

The crux section of the run consists of a steep and powerful boulder garden in the bottom of a vertical walled gorge that is directly above the lip of a 30 foot waterfall called Behemoth. The boulder garden itself isn't too difficult, but it certainly has a class V feel to it with the big drop just down stream. Adding to the suspense is the fact that the entire series is must run and it's fairly difficult to get out of your boat after running the gorge. Go with someone you trust and be prepared to run a 30 foot drop without a scout.

Directly below Behemoth is a sticky 6 foot ledge with a nasty hole on river right. If you run the big one correctly, 90% of the time you're going to end up gutting the worst part of the 6 foot ledge. Paddle hard!

After the sticky hole there is a big pool and everyone has a moment to catch their breath before dropping into the last series. This quarter mile long boulder garden is as good as it gets. Stay right the whole way and keep boofing.

Then entire series combined has to be one of the better 1/2 miles of white water around and something that shouldn't be missed if you're in the Portland/Hood River area at the end of the summer.

I snapped the following shots a few weeks back and have been back in the past two weekends as well. Enjoy.

Cruise Control scouts the Put-In Falls - This drop is a mere 200 yards below the launch.

Headed down

Melting the Put-In Falls

John Edwards on the same drop.

Typical boulder gardens on the upper 1/3

The right line at Island - Boof Early

Dan Rubado finishing off the right line.

Island from below

And again. The bottom hole can be munchy.

That's me running the lead-in to Behemoth

And.. Clawing my way out of the hole right above the lip.

Looking back up the gorge - Standing at the lip of the falls.

It's hard to get out of your boat at the lip, but manageable with the right ninja moves. - Scouting

Looking down into the final boulder garden

Brooks Foster gutting the ledge hole below Behemoth

Cruise Control on the big one.


  1. 2020.06.28酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容有一些沒有接觸過酒店的姐妹來找我應徵酒店小姐的時候,我們談的都很融洽,實際上她們也很需要來酒店上班賺錢,可是後來卻沒有來上班,有的甚至失聯。我檢討之後發現並不是討厭我本人或者討厭我們公司,而是被台灣唯恐天下不亂的媒體過度渲染,或者是網路上以訛傳訛不負責任的言論誤導,以至於姐妹們有一些似是而非的錯誤觀念,打消了來酒店上班賺錢的念頭。我在酒店上班的日子以下是我整理出姐妹們不敢來酒店上班的主要6個原因,希望能夠解除姐妹們對於來酒店上班的心中疑慮不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因
    2,職場須知 【酒店PT 】做酒店真人真事的故事因為S的問題!雖然現在已經資訊發達,法律也有各種明確規定了,但是不能否認還是有非常極少數的敗類利用毒品、高利貸、感情(就是所謂的老二酒店經紀)拐騙脅迫一些女性作非自願的 S,但是那都是非常少數,而且會在短時間內就被警方查獲的。我們是經營了二十幾年的酒店經紀公司,不可能為了脅迫姐妹S而將公司信譽毀於一旦。基本上酒店小姐的工作本質就是俗話說的:賣笑不身。姐妹去到別的任何一家酒店經紀公司或是酒店應徵酒店小姐,如果他們用脅迫的方式逼妳做 S 的話,那就直接去檢警單位檢舉告發吧!
    3,已婚或是有男朋友.俗話說「如果有頭髮沒有人願意當禿頭」,酒店是一個特種行業,主要工作內容就是服務男性酒店客人,但是感情的獨佔慾望是每一個人都有的,99.9% 的姐妹都是為了經濟壓力才會來酒店打工的,尤其是已婚、有男朋友的姐妹若不是為了錢,怎麼可能會有來酒店上班的念頭?就好像女性也萬萬不能接受自己的男人去牛郎店上班是同樣的道理。
