Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bachelor parties and flat tires...

To close the trifecta of why kayaking is fun, let us not forget about river trips. Waking up next to the river, floating for a few miles, seeing new places, and making camp again all amongst good friends might be on of the best parts of our sport. In that vein, I thought I would close with this trip on the Chilko-Chilcoton in BC near Lake Louise.

The back story to this adventure, was a good friend was about to walk the plank into eternal matrimony and requested one last hoorah before his weekends were to fill up with to-do lists and trips to Bed Bath and Beyond.The answer of course, bachelor kayak roadtrip! (PS most my kayak roadtrips don't usually include to many women accompanying but bachelor kayak roadtrips are special because women can't come and what happens on the adventure stays on the adventure). Given high snow packs, a cool summer, flows were a bit on the highside when the said adventure was to occur but never fear there are usually lots of options north of the border with the only issues generally being lack of concrete beta and shuttle difficulties.

So one fine weekend a group of 10 or so men, one large armored truck, one full size van, one dirtbike, a few chainsaws, hydraulic winch, row frame raft, and copious amounts of beer headed north for 4 days and many miles of kayaking bliss. The Chilko-Chilcotin certainly the hardest things out there but what they lack in pure difficultly they gain in countless miles of class IV haystacks and read-run whitewater in the midst of some pretty remote wilderness. For a bonus side fact they are also extremely close to the put-in for the Homathako and actually drain the other side of its headwaters.   

Here's some pics enjoy;

I'm not sure why 90% of my kayak adventures involve driving through the night on dirt roads to get to a destination and arriving at or near sunrise but they do and I've made my peace with it. 

A lot of kayak adventures also involve a large automobile stuffed to the hilt with people and gear.

Hale-bop have fun on the white mile section

Faceshot anyone?
Thankfully rivertrips involve camp chilling. 10 guys, a keg of beer, and a lot of time on our hands. Oh just what are we going to do

Well for starters a little bit of this.
Not quite boofs for breakfast but the crew is falling in line and feeling that keg of beer right about now.
No kayak adventure is complete without a stop to one of these...luckily some locals just let the air out of a tire and we didn't have to deal anything more serious.
   Until next time, SYOTR. 


  1. That is simply living the good life.
    Plain and simply is what truly a beautiful sight.

  2. 2019.09.17.八大行業酒店快報酒店經紀30歲「竹聯十五份幫」成員酒店工作下班陳男昨晨與酒店經紀友人搭計程車回台北市萬寧街住處,下車時卻遇槍手伏擊,陳男右大腿中1槍,送醫院急救,暫無生命危險,涉嫌開槍的酒店兼職20歲四海幫份子梁男案發1小時後,主動到派出所投案並交槍,警方還在釐清其開槍動機。警方初步調查,涉嫌開槍的梁男是四海幫份子,擔任酒店經紀的陳男是林森北路大型酒店的「酒店打工圍事項目」成員,雙方人馬今年4月間曾在東區1間酒店酒後衝突,事後多次尋仇鬥毆,警方目前積極偵辦中。

  3. 2020.07.02酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?我在酒店上班的日子告訴你八大行業的真相!
    許多來酒店應徵的小姐都一定會詢問,請問: 到酒店上班當酒店小姐就一定要出場陪睡接s嗎?其實現在的酒店已不像大家刻版印象中的不人道。不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因1998年以前到酒店上班的小姐客人看上了酒店小姐想帶小姐出去,酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?店家確實一定會強迫小姐陪睡出場接S。
    現在是文明的時代也是Google網路搜尋資訊的年代了! 酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?酒店的環境變化很大,由以前傳統制度酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?演化改為人性化管理,也就是因為酒店業者增多各家【百家爭鳴】酒店競爭大,各家酒店業者透過【開放自由管理方式】,來招募更多的酒店小姐。
    所以現在的酒店也不會像電影/電視連續劇一樣,強制小姐一定要跟客人出場,現在酒店上班將酒店小姐出場的方式改為小姐個人意願,客人要帶小姐出場時會告知小姐要去那裡,只要小姐不願意跟客人出去店家沒人能逼妳,有些酒店只有規定小姐出場只需陪客人到客人想去的地方(例如:吃消夜 續攤 錢櫃 夜店 )當然也會告知雙方(有床的地方不能去 例如:妳家/客人家/旅館/飯店/辦公室)苗頭不對可立即離開。
    也不可能要求小姐跟客人出去就一定要接S,當然也會有部份小姐因為想賺取更多的收入,而跟客人私下交易自已接S,所以酒店小姐到酒店上班出場接S完全屬於小姐個人行為,也不必擔心說到酒店上班就一定要出場或接S的。(我們絕對不會去勉強妳,我梁曉尊也不願意強迫小姐 做她不想做的事。)

  4. 2020.07.29不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因知名酒店大亨夏成龍傳出因癌症過世的消息,享年72歲,這位酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容縱橫北部夜生活圈的大亨,讓不少業界的「我在酒店上班的日子」嘖嘖稱奇,說到北市首屈一指的酒店酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?,酒客公認除了位在敦化北路和南京東路口的便服店「酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?」外,能夠和龍亨並駕齊驅的酒店,就是夏成龍的「麗園酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?」。位在東區的麗園早期叫「凱薩帝苑」,人稱「夏董」的夏成龍,有2個兒子夏天浩和夏天倫,夏天浩在美國學成歸國後在同棟大樓經營知名夜店「Luxy」(後更名OMNI),知情人士透露,當時夏成龍特別交代兒子開的夜店裡絕對不能出現毒品,並提醒一定要開高格調、與眾不同的店,甚至出資3億並讓出統領百貨的5、6樓給兒子經營,而Luxy也迅速成為台北知名夜店,改名後的OMNI甚至因裝潢拿下紅點設計獎。雖然「爸爸開酒店、兒子開夜店」,但其實夏家最賺錢的事業並非這兩店,據聞,早年夏成龍賺錢便會購置不動產,統領百貨的酒店和夜店其中之一,就是向黃任中買進的。酒店的類型大致分為制服店、公主店、禮服店、便服店,消費金額依序增高。台北市知名且合法登記的酒店近30家,若不計頂級的特殊酒店,1家店平均50桌,1桌的消費金額從12000元到40000元計算,單店1天的營收就有60萬元至200萬元,1個月營收約1000萬元至3000萬元。開業逾20多年的麗園酒店,以小姐優質、敢玩,久享艷名,是台北東區知名的便服店。酒店內部由於裝潢富麗,加上號稱小姐人數有上百人,收費自然「高檔」。按照一般行情,坐檯時數每小時約收費1680元,包廂費依大小從1500元到4000元不等,酒費則另外計算,最便宜的開瓶酒也要3000元,以軒尼詩白蘭地為例,現場開瓶最少也要5000元起跳。另外,還有所謂的人頭費,一人1500元,但可抵酒錢。夏成龍在黑白兩道吃得很開,和竹聯幫關係密切,去年竹聯幫幫主「么么」黃少岑70歲大壽時他還應邀出席,另外與政商、檢警調方面也不錯,但麗園酒店過去仍有幾次鬧上新聞版面,像是2006年就有麗園的媽媽桑帶著低胸辣妹,到金管會前委員林忠正的小木屋招待所陪酒引起不小風波,還有2015年1月,北市西門町峨嵋停車場2死的槍擊案,檢警就發現殺手陳福祥和他的大哥,案發前一晚就是在麗園酒店設「美人局」,招待2名死者。
