Sunday, December 12, 2010

Idaho Adventure – Part Tres

Over the years I’ve learned that during kayak trips one’s ability to make lemonade out of lemons is often what separates a good trip for being skunked. This year during our Idaho pilgrimage the skies literally opened up and we were left with a decision. Make a beeline for home and deal with high water levels. Following the thought that kayaking is always the right thing to do, we decided to stay in Idaho and heard a run on the SF Clearwater held its water pretty well and decided to give it a shot. The best section on the SF is probably the Golden Canyon section but at high water is can be incredibly dangerous and almost took the life of a legend a few years back. Given the high water, the runout of Golden Canyon aka the Mickey Mouse section was our target but there wasn’t much mousey about Mickey Mouse section this day. Enjoy the pics and remember 99.9% of the time kayaking is better than not kayaking.

Gnomey - Mustache deep in high water on the SF Clearwater

Typical SF Clearwater scenery. Roadside and hey diddle diddle right down the middle

Well maybe not always right down the middle

Turning up the fuzz and working through plan B


  1. 2019.09.18八大行業大多主攻男性市場,不過最近知名酒店經紀梁曉尊,要打進女性消費圈,推出「酒店兼差一週」韓國歐巴來坐檯,號稱每一位都是韓國男模,由於中南部少有牛郎店,平時被男客消費的酒店小姐沒有地方紓壓,得知韓國歐巴要來,讓南部酒店小姐瞬間淪陷,台南市移民署第一服務站指出,目前已將進行政治部調查,查看是否違反移民法。據酒店經紀了解,業者號稱韓國歐巴都是男模級,在預約前可以看到個人自拍照以及身高、體重、陰莖(老二)尺度照片,但要找韓國歐爸坐檯消費可不便宜,除了坐檯費還要付包廂費與酒錢,包廂一共有5間,奢華級的包廂要價8000元,而韓國歐巴的檯費一個小時就要3000元,酒錢另算,但自從推出歐巴坐檯後,造成轟動,不少酒店妹要揪團包場,預約時間排滿滿。有消費者透露,做韓國歐巴的檯,可以將歐巴包出場,但一次就要包兩個牛郎,一次要3小時起跳,因為業者會擔心牛郎在外場的安全,另外也有提供俗稱「勾」舔盤的性服務,但至少要來消費兩次,才有機會可以嘗試陰部按摩費用1次5000元。
