Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The FIBArk Wildwater Race

From Mike Harvey:

As the momentum lifts at the top of Cottonwood rapid you are committed. This is particularly true in a 14’ long composite wildwater race kayak. You are heading downhill in a hurry and if you happen to be racing in the sprint portion of the Wildwater National Championships the goal to stay focused on is clear….don’t eddy out….don’t flip over…don’t stop paddling.

Coming into the 2008 season I needed a new whitewater paddling challenge. Being a Dad had suppressed my desire to run scary creeks and I was feeling a little uninspired to master the newest playboating moves. On March 28th I put my Prijon 89 Wildwater boat in the Arkansas and committed to getting as fit as possible and learning to steer this unwieldy composite Kevlar kayak through whitewater. A wildwater race kayak is a strange looking craft which is made to do one thing really well….go fast down a moving river. All of the other things that are required in whitewater paddling: turning, spinning, coming in and out of eddies, bracing, rolling, running holes, boofing, etc.; are on the list of things a Wildwater boat does not do well. Basically the boat is really tippy, turns really slowly and makes Class III feel every bit as hard as Class V feels in a plastic boat. The boats are about 14feet long and steer by leaning opposite of the direction you want to travel. Wildwater racers use a wing paddle, which has a blade shaped like a big serving spoon. These paddles grab a lot of water but, once again, are basically worthless doing anything other than cranking straight downstream. In june of 2008 I finished my first FIBArk 26 mile race. After I recovered from the race and training in early July I was back at it in my Wildwater boat and the hook was set.

When I learned that Salida would host the Wildwater National Championships in June of 2009 the idea of giving that race a go started to really inspire me. Through the late summer and fall of 2008 paddling Wildwater was starting to feel almost normal to me. In fact jumping in a plastic boat with a regular whitewater paddle was starting to freak me out; “Which way do I lean this thing? Why is this paddle grabbing so little water? Why would I want to eddy out?”

I paddled the Arkansas 4-5 days a week through Thanksgiving; creatively biking, hitching or begging my wife for shuttles. I spent a ton of time stroking downstream all by myself with my waterproof Ipod case keeping me from feeling too lonely. Those months in the fall were all about establishing a base; just putting a lot of miles on my arms, in my wildwater boat.

December hit and winter came with the change in the date. We were finally skiing powder on Monarch Pass, but I had it in my head that I could not afford a layoff this year. So I bought a Paddleone Trainer ( The Paddleone trainer is basically a rowing machine for kayaking and not surprisingly it is not as much fun as actually kayaking.

Gerbil wheel paddling. Not as much fun as real paddling.

With ice on the river and snow on the hills; I kept on paddling. Only now I was sitting in my office, with a t-shirt on visualizing Cottonwood rapid with the constant drone of the wheels on the trainer a poor replacement for the rushing waters of the Arkansas.

As the winter progressed the ice melted and the Banana Belt (Arkansas River Valley) delivered some sunny 50 degree, no wind days. I was on the river for almost every one. My training log showed that my first day back on the river was January 20th. Throughout this time I did a lot of solo days but, I was lucky to be able to train and learn from fellow squad member Evan Ross, former US WIldwater Team paddler Hank Bevington and current US WIldwater Team paddler Jeremy Rodgers.

The National Championships format is based on World Cup Wildwater racing. One day is a Sprint race; typically about 90 second run through whitewater. You complete two runs and your times are combined. Sprinting puts a premium on being able to keep from making mistakes, as a small mistake in a sprint equals a larger relative amount of time. The second race is called a “Classic” and is a race of between 15-20 minutes, roughly 4.5 miles through a mix of flat and whitewater. As the spring progressed I focused a lot of my training on the Classic. Learning to paddle at your max, over 20 minutes is not easy. I started doing intervals; short periods at a very high effort. Then I started linking those intervals so that I would paddle ever longer periods at my max. The whole time I was learning that keeping a Wildwater boat on line at cruising pace and at top speed were two different things all together. There were many humbling moments for sure.

The Nationals Sprint Course would be held in Cottonwood Rapid. Cottonwood is a rapid of some renowned in the Wildwater world. It looms as the final and largest rapid in the 26 mile FIBArk marathon race, the oldest whitewater race in North America. The debate of how to run the rapid is fodder for fairly long and technical (some might even say nerdy) discussions among Wildwater paddlers. For me the Sprint race became an obvious target for a good result. A year into wildwater paddling I was still developing the fitness of other top end paddlers, but after 16 years of paddling, 90+ days a year, I was getting the hang of whitewater in a wildwater boat. I knew that if I could link two good laps in the Sprint I may be able to have a good showing.

Keeping it straight in Cottonwood is the goal during the Sprint Nationals.

As the race approached the Ark came up and down again, constantly changing my approach. Finally I settled on a line in Cottonwood and in the days approaching the Sprint Race I just tried to think positively and visualize a successful race. As it turned out I was able to grease the rapid twice and while neither lap was perfect, I found myself in 1st place in my age group, 19-39, and 4th overall after day one. I could not have been more relived. Very skilled and fit paddlers were catching eddies and spinning out in Cottonwood giving me the only opening I would probably have all FIBArk week.

Friday morning I came into the Classic knowing all I had to do was hang on. Of course I wanted to go as fast as possible, but the Classic course goes from Salida to Bear Creek rapid a course that is made up of 90% easy water and one rapid at the end…a hammer fest. I am still developing the fitness and pain tolerance to hammer 20 minutes without some whitewater to help trip up my competition. I also am learning to keep focused on every “piece” of water which is a requirement of a short race in easy water. The typical internal conversation for me over 20 minutes goes a little something like this: “grab the back of that wave…reach, catch, rotate….what was the name of the one track I heard on Pandora yesterday?...FOCUS!....inside on the next corner…hammer this flat water….man it would be fun to go surfing with Johnny in September…” and so on. I gave a hard effort and finished within 3% of the day’s winner and while I slipped a spot in the overall ranking to 5th, I won my class. I guess I qualified for the US National Team although I am not sure racing in Tasmania in the World Cup is going to happen for this Dad of two with a full time job.

I am not going to feign casual guy, too cool to care, for readers of this blog…I was (and am) stoked! I set a goal and spent a lot of time preparing and thinking about and I am happy to have a result to show for it. Plus I got a belt buckle that says “Champion” on it so I got that going for me the next time I am hanging at the bar with my shirt tucked in.

Bling, Bling.

Sunday’s Marathon was almost an afterthought for me. I put in a lot of miles this year , but I definitely was focused on the shorter distances. I ended up suffering through the race with a better time and better overall effort than my first race in 08. However I lost to Evan Ross by about 40 seconds so I consider the race to be an abject failure (just kidding, I’ll get that young punk next year.).

The 26 mile mass start is one of the coolest experiences I have had paddling a kayak. Total chaos. That is me in the yellow top on the right side of the picture right behind the two guys that are all tangled.

By far the coolest race all FIBArk weekend was my son Miles racing in his first kayak race, the 2 mile novice DR race from Salida to Stockyard Bridge. Miles is 7 years old and has been paddling for three seasons now. We started talking about the race last summer and he was psyched to participate. I just wanted him to have a good experience. I did practice runs and told him all I wanted him to do was paddle the whole way and have fun. Since I was racing in the 26 mile I enlisted my good friend and 3 time Olympic Slalom Paddler Scott Shipley to safety boat with him. On a side note I noticed an interesting generational difference when I told Miles that one of the paddlers I most admired and the best Slalom paddler in our Country’s history would be paddling with him Miles said; “Couldn’t Dane Jackson or Jason Craig paddle with me, Daddy?” Miles gave it a good effort the whole way and wore his medal to school on Monday. I was the typical super proud Dad. It was great to share FIBArk with my son and by far the best moment all weekend was hearing the crowd in Riverside Park cheer for my son as he collected his medal at the awards ceremony.

Miles milking every bit of speed he can out of that Fun 1 in the 2 mile DR race at FIBArk.

Wildwater paddling is without question a somewhat obscure segment of our sport and you can’t log on to and order a Wildwater boat. However, what I have rediscovered through Wildwater, and what you might find if you try it, is the joy of tapping into the speed of a river heading downhill and the fitness that comes with that sort of paddling. Boats like the Pryana Speeder are a good commercial option to try out that feeling of gliding through a pool or rocketing off the back of a wavetrain in a kayak. Who knows? You might get hooked and find yourself waking up and thinking about boil lines in Cottonwood rapid too.


  1. 2019.10.10台北知名酒店經紀公司宣布,創新酒店上班的酒店小姐與外送到府服務之外,將推出全新酒店打工的「賺錢現領」(Uber Works)的全新應用程式(App),此新項目即日起在中國市場實驗一年,主要替公司企業老闆尋找合適陪睡(性交易)的酒店小姐。酒店經紀指出,想要透過這項新項目找到酒店兼差工作者,需先通過Uber以及酒店經紀公司進行的背景調查,知名酒店經紀公司梁曉尊執行長說,在調查過程中,Uber會詢問酒店兼職應徵者是否具有與該職位相關配合度,如:工作性質本能、口交、口爆(射在嘴巴裡) 、顏射(精子射在臉上) 、開後門(肛交) 、制服(角色扮演)。此外慎重嚴禁不得內射(精子射在裡面),基於健康安全及職業道德。

  2. 2019.11.03知名酒店經紀內幕爆料:近期台北市長柯文哲嚴查違規營業八大行業酒店,讓北市酒店市場版圖面臨不小變動。這2、3個月來市府動作頻頻,將非法酒店斷水斷電,勒令歇業。巧合的是,被查緝歇業的酒店,剛好都屬同一集團旗下店家,也讓業界出現陰謀論的耳語,知名酒店經紀透漏是有心人在背後操作,企圖搶占台北市八大行業酒店版圖大餅。

  3. 2020.03.11酒店工作深夜心聲:走到這一步是不是覺得有些無奈呢?"曾經"很多人跟妳心情是一樣的~!!
    PS:因為男友一定早晚會知道(如日夜顛倒 其他男生來電 收入增加 有時全身酒味...等)如果他有能力...妳何需如此??他知道了又不能改變什麼...除非他有能力改變妳的困境吧!!如果他能且有能力...那麼在決定去以前...跟他好好溝通一下比較妥當~!!或許他可以幫妳的!!夜生活表面看來光鮮亮麗...其實很多心酸苦楚是只有當事人自己清楚的!在這行妳更可以看清楚所謂"真實的人性"~!!

  4. Anonymous12:44 PM

    成淹水,否則一律營業。3.雖然外頭狂風暴雨,但只要安全酒店領檯進室內,KTV是當下最可以狂歡的環境。4.因為白天突然放假,也造就如假日前的生意量,滿包再滿包。5.因為日夜顛倒,加上以往沒有網路查資料,所以過去「氣象報告」對八大少有參考價值。6.八大在數年前,早已不成文規定,颱風過境時,請假可以選擇補班,不會硬性規定到班!31.八大行業指的是哪八大呢?! (1)舞廳業:指提供場所,備有舞伴供不特定人跳舞之營利事業。(2)舞場業:指提供場所,不備舞伴供不特定人跳舞之營利事業。(3)酒家業:指提供場所,供應酒、菜、或其他飲食物,並備有陪侍服務之營利事業。(4)酒吧業:指提供場所,備有服務生陪侍,供應酒類、飲料之營利事業。(5)特種咖啡茶室業:指提供場所,備有服務生陪侍,供應飲料之營利事業。(6)視聽歌唱業:指設置包廂或提供投幣、刷卡等伴唱視聽設備,供人歌唱之營利事業。(7)理容業:指將營業場所加以區隔或包廂式經營為人理容之觀光理髮或視聽理容之營利事業。(8)三溫暖業:指提酒店S供冷、熱水池、蒸烤設備,供人沐浴之營利事業。32.經紀人要接送上下班的缺點!!「除了酒醉、客人騷擾外,經紀人每天接送不見得是好事!」每天接送:經紀人本身帶的人肯定很少,大家住的地方天南地北,且上、下班時間都不同,很難湊在一起。況且每天花好幾小時只為了當司機,而忽略經紀人應該有的職責和本份,這才是因小失大。婉拒後,仍堅持每天接送:假公濟私之嫌,透過職務「把妹」、公私不分,也會淪為所謂的「老二」經紀。今日這樣對待妳,明日也會用這種方式追求別人。況且被家人、男友誤會更是得不償失。33.想要「換店」或「離開酒店」轉換到其他八大業種嗎?!《原因與現況》 在目前酒店市場同質性高的削價酒店花名競爭下,每個角色都是辛苦的經營方,從金主、行政、幹部、經紀和公關,各個苦不堪言,這也是禮、制服業績店長期所衍生的負面條件,因為各店差異性小,例如當A店有新行銷策略,半小時內就會傳到B店(因兩店有相同的幹部與經紀合作、甚至行政流動率也大),且B店在下周就可進行類似活動來爭回客源,導致幹部與客人沒有店家品牌的忠誠度。 也因為這樣低迷的市場環境下,店家為求利潤最大化,所以會不停地舉辦活動來帶動生意量(很多是由公關承擔部分費用,實屬無奈),與酒店公關們有關的,舉凡從年初就開始的「春酒、西洋情人節、白色情人節、端午和中秋等連假、七夕情人節、周年慶、聖誕節、尾牙、外加如夏季海灘或馬甲之夜」,幾乎每隔1~2個月就會有中大型活動,且公告千篇一律是禁休禁下,與多上且酒店文化早到的天數限制,除了髮妝要做特殊造型外,必要時還要購置單一活動服,最怕是賣3~5000元禮券,和幾大框、幾小框的節數壓力。 重點是把消費者胃口養大後,店家與公關再怎麼努力,也滿足不了客人的比較心態,最後壓力還是會落在最基層的公關身上。網路世代,每位客人認識3~5個幹部以上

  5. 2020.03.22酒店上班-兼差兼職PART-TIME 酒店工作常問的問題
    是有簽約/合約對吧? 不可違約?
    薪水大約多少 怎麼領的? 應該不是月薪吧?
    桌面服務,般人通常會想偏 其實桌面服務是很簡單 也很單純的一件事
    A.容器杯類有5種(威士忌杯 也就是洋酒杯 ;啤酒杯: 水杯 也就是開水杯;熱茶杯 ;公杯)
    B.熱毛巾(當服務生送熱毛巾給消費者使用後 摺整齊後放在旁)
    C.水果盤(把面積較大的水果 細分小塊後送至消費者面前)

    A.當消費者要點歌時 要主動起身(不等消費者開口) 拿麥克風歌本(或遙控器)
    B.千萬別讓消費者自己倒酒(或水) 甚至要主動按服務鈴請服務生入內(如倒熱茶 熱毛巾)
    C.若消費者有拿煙的動作 記得協助點煙


    a :合約內容本身要件要有【商營利事業登記編號/還有政府認證核發蓋章】因為這些文件都是要繳稅的….一但登報稅了,您自己想想妳在職期間這幾年{妳}家人~早就會知道你在八大行業了…..反而家人卻沒發現,每年也都沒有繳稅單更沒有勞健保,因為這份是假合約【法律用語:偽造文書】
    b :合約內容常有一段話:幾年以內不能離職/幾年內不能更換經紀人。這番話已經觸犯【法律用語:強制罪】
    c :從一開始的違法合約到內容的不人道,甚至離職還又要賠償..。我梁曉尊跟妳說【妳被唬了】
    d :重頭到尾觸法的假合約,真的到警察局/法院 {妳}是贏家。
    e :我梁曉尊做經紀人快十年了…我還沒見過有經紀公司拿著合約去警局敢賭這件事。
    1.其實酒店所謂的規定 取決於是人與人之間互動的生意
    所以特別狀況不一 但不見得常發生
    2.現在條例都寫的十分清楚 若會有扣錢的規定 主要是針對調皮的小姐
    一般小姐不會犯錯 是不會扣錢的 這點請放心
    3.例如桌面服務沒做好(Google搜尋:梁曉尊/梁小尊 網站內有專文提到) 跟客人互動不熱絡或是喝醉不能上班之類的。
    還有上班不遲到不早退(會扣錢) ,不跟客人報消費價錢(要一問三不知)
    到班的日子~不亂請假 上班時要服裝儀容整齊乾淨 不可帶違禁品
    2.和客人保持和諧的氣氛 畢竟消費者不是來受氣的
    也別在客人面前提及消費方式 其他就如同和朋友互動一樣喔
    3.其實不要喝醉 這些就不是大問題 清醒時當然會行事更謹慎些
    4.八卦事件聽聽就好 千萬別過嘴 否則公親變事主
    酒的種類繁多 .客人喝的酒不止一種.也許第一桌喝啤酒.
    因此閃酒的技巧非常重要!.如何不讓客人發現的情況下.讓自己少喝一點.要和客人玩什麼樣的遊戲.才能把時間拉長.自己少輸點少喝點. 這些都是基本功!

    下午:3點班、4點班、5點班、6點班 (每個班次往後推7小時,就是妳的上班時間)
    晚間:7點班、8點班、9點班 (每個班次往後推7小時,就是妳的上班時間)
    註:有床的地方不能去 汽車旅館/飯店,包括私人辦公室!。不用擔心得罪客人,也不用怕被扣錢! 當下可立即離開~ 切記先保護自己。
    酒店小姐出場接S 純屬個人行為。有些人想賺這個錢….但有些酒店小姐認為不需要!
    但是不會有任何人去逼你 為難做自己不喜歡的事。
    我梁曉尊舉個例子 女孩們會覺得更貼切 也比較淺顯易懂的邏輯 :
    八大行業商品是(人),今天(妳)面前站3個人有~ 王陽明 康康 NONO
    (妳)肯定會問 王陽明 可不可以出場接S ?!
    至於王陽明是否同意 決定在於自己~。
    在去酒店上班之前,一定要給自己定一個目標及方向,你必需了解自己為何來酒店上班,目的何在? 出發點是什麼?

  6. 2020.05.03酒店工作因武漢肺炎(COVID-19、新冠肺炎)政府提出酒店S疫情紓困方案,但對酒店八大業酒店上班者來說,申請十分困難,更有不少人在過程中打退堂鼓,專門協助八大行業失業女公關的團體「酒店PT與妹仔的日常」就表示,16日公布相關政策以來,他們就持續被退件甚至刁難,一直到28日,他們輔導的200多名酒店打工女公關中,才有第1個人拿到3萬元補助,猶如登天之難,中間的問題、苦水真的不少。「酒店經紀與妹仔的日常」工作人員表示,酒店被勒令停業後,他們就先在臉書粉絲團上,希望各界連署,聲援相對「弱勢」的她(他)們,目前已有3416人支持,其中業界女公關也有1300人。知名酒店經紀梁曉尊/梁小尊說紓困方案16日公布後,不少人去申請時,承辦人都面露難色,甚至有人暗喻:「連你們也來申請?」、「還沒輪到你們吧…」像有的人要求提出勞僱合約、薪資單或是工作證明,小花說在這行其實很多人都拿不出來。有酒店業者感嘆,外界對他們,還是有「次一等人」的歧視,不少人認為從工廠、觀光、餐飲、住宿產業,大家還沒補助到,怎麼輪得到我們?但八大真的很慘,真的很多單親爸爸、媽媽,都快活不下去了。

  7. 2020.06.21酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容林森北路是台灣酒店重要商圈,過去上電視多在社會新聞版,實境節目《我在酒店上班的日子匠紫也可以》邀請脫口秀小天后龍龍,及Lala (蘇心甯)深入不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因林森北路日式酒店及男公關店,不僅酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金從中認識酒店小姐、男公關的工作實際情況,更談起家人間的心酸歷程。Lala進店前跟劇組人員直呼超級緊張,沒想到一進去脫口而出「酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?原來就跟唱KTV狀況差不多」,職場須知 【酒店PT 】現場一次叫4位男公關進房大玩遊戲,一路從烏龜烏龜翹、數字拳開始,一玩之下竟然大獲全勝,讓Lala現場心花怒放,直說第一次玩到這麼嗨。不僅如此,男模們為了逗Lala開心,更現場大跳熱舞起來,輪流面貼面的超近距離接觸,讓Lala現場直接尖叫到想找姐妹淘求救,玩一輪下來後更直呼,有種被捧在手掌心照顧的感覺。脫口秀小天后龍龍為了認識酒店小姐日常,特別情商日式酒店知名媽媽桑席耶娜及藝人夢多分享及訓練,一進門龍龍就先問「小姐賣不賣肉體?」席耶娜立刻嚴肅表示「可以被上的小姐不值錢,現場不准跟客人『喇舌』」,讓龍龍開眼界的表示,原來酒店裡販賣愛情模式的做生意方式太高明了!夢多在這次特別擔任「酒客」,跟龍龍大玩起鹹豬手、擋酒教學,夢多談起酒店,特別提到「早期來台灣,提到酒店時,都被人用異樣眼光來看,但其實在日本,去酒店是一種休閒,不是你們眼中像色狼一樣都是做A的,台日酒店文化真的差很大」,現場更因龍龍的萌呆及反應慢,差點被氣炸,也讓龍龍最後哭著說賺錢真難。

  8. 因父親為人作保家中經濟陷入困境,Enrike剛成年就到名古屋酒店擔任酒店打工女公關。個性老實,沒有驚人美貌,甚至連酒都不會喝。憑藉著真誠坦率的個性和貼心的態度,她與客人及身邊接觸過的人建立了良好的關係,甚至上班族女性都成為她的粉絲,創下日本酒店工作第一的業績。引退後成為企業家,廣受大眾好評,媒體報導不斷。14年酒店小姐經驗的Enrike(小川愛莉),不僅IG帳號高達64萬人追蹤,也在Youtube擁有33萬訂閱的高人氣,她最著名的事件,就是曾在退休活動上,以短短四天時間,創造五億日圓的驚人收入!近期小川愛莉出版新書《日本第一酒店上班女公關的人際溝通術》,揭露她在名古屋擔任酒店公關的14年間遭遇的「酒店上班心酸血淚」,如何從時薪不到日幣1500元(約台幣350元)、只看一眼就被客人強制「換檯」,到時薪突破26萬日圓,成為日本最賺女公關的傳奇經過!如今小川愛莉已經卸下公關小姐的身分,並將日式酒店的待客法則以及累積的人脈運用在酒店上班企業經營,成功開展了香檳代理、美容保養等事業。當我剛開始工作的時候,店裡是有分派系的。有兩位老大姐,她們總是針鋒相對。雖然加入某個派閥以後就不容易遭到霸凌,但我沒有加入任何一邊。雖然我本來就比較長袖善舞,但還是覺得畢竟那樣實在很難工作,而且實在太麻煩了。如果加入了某個派系,另一個派系的客人就不會指名我了。要是有不愉快,就會頂著那種臉見客人,這樣客人也會察覺,所以我乾脆不加入任何一邊。但是要一直維持中立也是挺難的。因此我在表面上並不會表現出和兩邊感情好,而是在背地裡與她們聊天,這是為了不要被任何一邊的人仇視。在我成為老鳥以後,就盡可能不要製造派系,酒店應徵有新人進來,我就盡快和她們培養感情。剛入行且營業狀況還不好的時候,如果有年輕又可愛的新人進來,多少會覺得有些煩躁吧?該說是對抗之心吧?雖然我並沒有欺負別人,但還是經過一番自省,告訴自己接受任何新人,試著打造出一個大團隊。畢竟酒店經紀酒店是團隊合作啊!無論有多麼優秀,只有自己一人肯定有極限的。如果別人做得到,那我也可以做到。我們不得不面對一個非常尷尬的事實,那就是,不難發現,問題在於該用什麼標準來做決定呢?若能夠欣賞到酒店小姐心理的美,相信我們一定會對坐檯小姐心理改觀。康德說過,人,實則一切有理性者,所以存在,是由於自身是個目的,並不是只供這個或那個意志利用的工具。希望大家能發現話中之話。問題的核心究竟是什麼?但丁曾經提到過,愛情使人心的憧憬昇華到至善之境。這句話把我們帶到了一個新的維度去思考這個問題。在人類的歷史中,我們總是盡了一切努力想搞懂酒店小姐心理。領悟其中的道理也不是那麼的困難。每個人的一生中,幾乎可說碰到酒店小姐心理這件事,是必然會發生的。鄧拓在不經意間這樣說過,越是沒有本領的就越加自命不凡。這激勵了我。問題的關鍵看似不明確,但想必在諸位心中已有了明確的答案。酒店小姐心理究竟是怎麼樣的存在,始終是個謎題。我們不得不相信,在人生的歷程中,酒店小姐心理的出現是必然的。黃庭堅相信,佳節清明桃李笑,野田荒塚只生愁。這激勵了我。當你搞懂後就會明白了。對於酒店小姐心理,我們不能不去想,卻也不能走火入魔。
